Sunday, 22 July 2018

What Happens When Protein Is Excess In The Body?

Proteins are considered as an essential part of our diet. Lack of proteins in our diet can lead to serious health issues. These days high protein diets are very popular. Usually people who want to develop their muscles or want to reduce fat or lose those extra pounds opt for a high protein diet. However, be careful about your protein intake. According to experts too much protein can result in serious health problems.

Adverse Effects Associated with Excess Protein Intake

  1. Increase in weight:

    You always thought that high protein diet is good to lose weight. But if you take high protein diet for prolonged periods then it can result in weight gain. It has been found that the excess protein is stored in the form of fats. This in turn will result in weight gain.

  2. Bad breath issues:

    If you cut down on your carbohydrates and keep increasing your protein intake then it can cause bad breath. Due to the metabolic activity some chemicals are produced which results in a bad odour.

  3. Constipation:

    Your bowel movement can get affected if you are on a high protein diet for a long time. Lack of fibre can result in constipation. It is important that your diet contains more fibre. It is also important that you drink plenty of water.

  4. Issues like diarrhoea:

    A person who has the problem of lactose intolerance and is on a protein rich diet which contains dairy products then it can result in health issues. Some people also consume too much fish, eggs etc. This can cause health problems like diarrhoea.

  5. Dehydration:

    Excess proteins will result in excess nitrogen in the body. These are removed from the body along with fluids and water. This can eventually lead to dehydration. It is important that you increase your water intake when you are on a high protein diet.

  6. Damage to kidneys:

    Excess proteins will result in more waste products and nitrogen. Your kidneys will have to work more to get rid of these products. This in turn can result in damage to your kidneys. Excess protein means more protein metabolism which means overload for the kidneys. It has been found that people with high protein diets have more concentrated urine.

  7. Loss of calcium:

    High protein may result in loss of calcium. This can have adverse effect on bone health. It can result in diseases like osteoporosis etc.

  8. Cardiovascular diseases:

    It has been found that those people who eat too much red meat and full fat dairy products are prone to cardiovascular diseases.

To wrap up, it is important to keep in mind that proteins are good for the health; but only if taken in the right amount. It is highly recommended to avoid the health consequences of surplus protein intake to stay away from disorders in bone, cancer and coronary artery disease, renal and liver function.

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