Monday 26 June 2017

Marriage and Family Life Are About Give And Take

A box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers and romantic weekends away are not secret to happy marriage. The secret is to roll up your sleeves and help your wife with the housework. A lazy husband is definitely a common domestic species.

Research shows that men are getting lazier; they spend an average eight and a half hours in office, seven hours in sleep each night; three to four hours in watching TV and rest in watching videos etc. With all that, it's no wonder they don't have time for housework.

Husbands when generally asked for help; looks in a way as if asked to build a space rocket. Many husbands do not help their wife as wife does not praise him for his contribution. They expect thanks for their input.

Wife‘s does not need help, she needs a partner:

You don’t help your wife to clean the house; but help because you live there too, and you need to clean it too.

You don’t help your wife to cook, but help because you also want to eat.

Do not help your wife wash the dishes after eating, but do as you use those dishes too.

Do not help wife with her children, but help out because they are your children too and it is your job to be a father.

You do not help your wife to wash or fold clothes, but lend a hand because the clothes are yours as well.

It is wrong to think you are a help at home, rather you are a part of the house. And as far as praising is concerned, when does a husband say thank you to his wife after she finishes changing bed sheets, cleaning the house, washing clothes, bathing her children, shopping households, cooking, organizing, etc.?

Well, that might seem to be absurd to you! If a husband once in a lifetime wash the utensils expects a prize of excellence! What’s there to think that everything is her job?

These days the most common type is the Boy Husband. He will show childlike neediness who got married without knowing how to take care of himself. He will wait for his wife to do everything for him.

To ensure real change of our society we need to start with our home. Give your wife a hand, show intensity of appreciation, and behave like a true mate, not as a guest who only comes to eat, bathe and sleep.

Lets teach our sons and daughters the real sense of fellowship!

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