Sunday 23 February 2020

Artificial Intelligence – Boon or Bane for Mankind?

A man’s brain is considered the most precious; do you know why? Well, man has a unique quality when compared to other living beings – ability to analyse and solve problems. In fact, it can so be said that a man’s brain is totally matchless when it comes to this.

Interestingly, technology has tried innumerably to imitate man’s nature in certain respects. And a seemingly successful attempt can be seen in the form of Artificial Intelligence, famously referred to as AI all around us. It has become almost omnipresent today – such is outreach and popularity among humans. For, it can literally imitate man and perform basic functions just like the human race.

Some common examples include Siri, Google Assistant, or Alexa – all of which come pre-installed in nearly all portable devices today. We too have started heavily relying on these technological gifts almost blindly. Ever stopped to wonder are these really as much a boon as they seem to be at the outset? Let’s find out together.

Artificial Intelligence – Boon or Bane?

It’s actually a bit of both and here we take a peek into both its sides.

Benefits of AI to humans:

1.Expands human knowledge base:

One great thing that AI tools like Siri or Alexa brought about is the highly expansive treasure of knowledge. These tools have answers to almost everything under the sky! And you can actually avail this know-how to your benefit by getting to learn about a variety of topics – math, English, computer science, geography, or science.

2. Makes life easier:

Well, who doesn’t want that? Particularly in light of our busy schedules and hectic lifestyles. One command and our AI apps are willing to do tough mathematic calculations, book tickets for a trip next week (before you forget), or to research online for a presentation to be submitted by month-end.

3. Can be used by anyone:

Now technology advancements don’t generally seem to go down well with the older generations. They often complain of not being able to understand computers. But AI devices are so user-friendly, they can be used by anyone of any age group – a 3-year-old or a 73-year-old!

Let’s look at some not-so-favourable aspects of Artificial Intelligence:

1. Can do away with the need for humans:

Imagine a world ridden by automated technology where all basic and menial tasks can be done by AI-driven software tools and there’s really no need for humans? After all, why invest in labour force when the same tasks can be performed by AI-driven technology at much lesser costs?

2. Can be misused:

Since AI doesn’t involve human intervention, there’s a high possibility of the technology being misused by ill-intentioned people to serve their malicious interests. And the worst is that it may never be known who’s behind it all.


Artificial Intelligence may have been embraced with open arms all over because of the unique benefits it brings along but the technology still needs extreme caution in use so that it can serve its intended use.

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