Wednesday 31 July 2019

Blockchains – The Answer to Fake Drug Terror

Blame it on unhealthy lifestyles, mounting work stress or any xyz reason, diseases (even those unheard of until a few years ago) are now common talk everywhere. Inevitably, there is a proportional increase in the manufacture of drugs to find a possible cure to these diseases. Unfortunately, there exist certain individuals/groups in the society who find a way to maximise gains by indulging in malpractices such as supply of counterfeit drugs.

Fake Drug Business – A Potential Health Threat

The very root of the problem lies in the fact that the whole supply chain of drugs is very long. The raw material supplier for a particular drug is at the entry point of that chain, which finally ends at the patient who purchases the drug. In this entire long chain, some people with ill intentions sneak their way in by mixing fake drugs low on quality and high on health hazards with the other authentic, superior-quality medicines.

These counterfeit drugs end up being consumed by the end customer (patient), which may not only prove futile in curing the condition but also result in a number of side effects, sometimes even fatal. Not to mention the effect fake drug supply has on the pharmaceutical industry, costing it unimaginable monetary losses. The doctors in the supply chain aren’t spared either – the entire blame for the medicine not working or causing health hazards comes on them, which eventually results in loss of credibility for them in the market.

Blockchain Technology Can Help Find a Solution

So far we understand that the problem of fake drugs emerges from and lies in their supply chain. Therefore, it should be addressed there itself and the answer lies in using the innovative blockchain technology.

Blockchain is one of the best decentralized applications in healthcare that facilitates recording all data related to the manufacture and supply of drugs in the most transparent manner. In other words, you can literally secure all drug data on a trusted blockchain-driven network. You can also know all that’s going on at every step of the now visible supply chain which includes the manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, distributors, partners, and customers.

By bringing in transparency into the system via blockchain-powered drug supply chain, any possible alterations, forgery, or misrepresentation of data on a virtual permanent record can be avoided.

How Would Blockchain Technology Work?

It starts from labelling all the drug bottles and packs with serial numbers and scanning all the packages so that they are recorded permanently on the blockchain-driven network. These records can be made for every single point on the supply chain – right from when the drug leaves the factory to when it reaches the pharmacy.

Moreover, the blockchain technology can help gain access to records of other significant drug details. This includes information about drug location and temperature, which can be obtained by attaching IoT-enabled (Internet of Things) devices to the drug packages.

Final Thoughts

Decentralized applications in healthcare like blockchains can greatly help make the entire drug journey completely visible to all its stakeholders. This could mean reducing time delays, lowering costs, and avoiding fraudulent practices midway.

Saturday 27 July 2019

How Do I Modernise My Home On A Budget?

Times are changing fast and so is everything around us. It’s only natural and wise for us to change our living styles too. And that essentially starts from our very home. Now the moment you hear the word ‘revamp’ or ‘renovate’, you may stop for a moment to reconsider your thoughts on giving your home a makeover. The reason: presumably higher budget. What if we tell you that you can now go in for revamping your home on a budget?

How do I give a modern feel to my house?

Keep things simple but innovative. Creativity is the key here. If you don’t have the budget to hire a professional interior designer for this task, don’t fret. We can help you with some simple tips which would help you get an inexpensive home makeover without much hassle.

  1. Colour it up:
    We know that homes, especially apartments, are traditionally painted in either whites or very soft peach-like hues at the time of construction. It’s now time to add some colour to your house and give it a lively touch and feel. You may choose to repaint the entire house (if your budget allows that) or even choose to do it in instalments as you deem convenient.
  2. Smart up your kitchen:
    For women, kitchen is literally their second home where they end up spending a significant portion of their day. Wouldn’t you like it all trendy yet classic keeping your convenience intact? All you need to do is just make some very simple and easily affordable amends to it – replace the handles of cabinets with some contemporary designs, repaint the units/walls, or add some trendy tiles for a modern look.
  3. Bathrooms need a makeover too:
    Absolutely, they are one of the many places in your house which can be revamped to look as beautiful as the rest of the house itself. And that too strictly under budget. You may change your shower curtains or even toilet seats to make the change noticeable. Painting is a big plus and adding a few compact glass holders in the corner can neatly stack up all your toiletries without looking cluttered.
  4. Store it all up:
    The best way to modernize your home without spending a fortune is just tidying up all the stuff that’s normally lying around and is all over the place. Books, for instance, CDs, electronic gadgets and remotes – these are things which can be easily arranged by creating some storage spaces in your living/bedroom. It looks much neater and is affordable too.
  5. Change the lighting:
    Did you know that your house lighting can actually work magic in the way it looks and feels to visitors? Perfect lighting not just helps change the mood but also makes smaller homes appear bigger. They also add emphasis to your chosen colour scheme for the specific room, besides adding an ethnic touch by placing a small wooden lamp by the bedside or hanging a tiny lantern in the kitchen.

These are mere suggestions; you may tweak around them depending on your pocket and personal choice. Anything that ultimately helps you achieve your dream home.

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Importance of Early Childhood Development and What You Must Know About It

Have you seen soft clay? You can bend it, roll it or mould it into any desirable shape. Such is the personality of a little child. Right from the time it is a toddler, you can mould the mind and personality of that child to become a better adult in the later years. And it’s not we saying this; there is enough scientific research to prove this phenomenon.

Science says that the kind of learning a child imbibes from a very young age by being exposed to the environment around them has a major impact on their behavioural tendencies. And these traits tend to stay on with them not just through childhood but, sadly enough, for an entire lifetime.

Early Childhood Development – What It Is

And though the whole experience of raising a child may seem so natural and spontaneous, educationists give it a lot of weight and even have a term for it. They call this ‘process’ early childhood development. The stage where it needs to be clearly determined as to what kind of environment should be created around the child to ensure their healthy physical, emotional, and social well-being.

By environment, we mean the talks at home, either with the child or before them, the media content they are exposed to (TV, radio, laptop, mobile, or iPad), and the like.

What You Must Know About Early Childhood Development

Now that you know that providing good care to the child right from the beginning plays a very important role in their latter years, let’s look at how you can help achieve this.

Let the child cherish positive childhood experiences

Did you know that a petty but furious quarrel with your spouse before the child can actually tar your image in their mind forever? It may seem very trivial an issue to you, which you may forget later by patching up. But the impression it may have created in their mind about you goes a long way. They may even start copying your behaviour and learn to fight, even hit others, from a very early stage.

What we can do: Create a positive environment around your child so that they can remember positive experiences and learn the best things in life.

Keep them healthy

The very first rule of parenting, we don’t really need to tell you this. But unfortunately, our current lifestyle has made eating out a common occurrence, especially during family outings on weekends. The likes of pizza, burgers, and French fries start becoming kids’ favourites much earlier than it should be.

What we can do: Make a conscious effort to encourage healthy eating habits among them. Eat healthy so that they follow suit.


Providing a healthy, positive and caring childhood experience is not the sole responsibility of any one party. It is a collective responsibility of parents, siblings, teachers, and all those who can come in contact with them day in and out. It’s only then that we can expect to achieve a healthy child – both physically and emotionally.

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Ayurvedic Remedies For Hair Loss

Hair loss can be quite frustrating. Chunks of hair falling every day during combing or lying around in the room/bathroom can never be a pleasant sight to watch. But what to do, you wonder. Tried everything from branded shampoos to conditioners that promise soft, shiny hair in advertisements? Unfortunately, all efforts go in vain. Not to mention the hair fall problem having grown because of all the chemical application.

Try Ayurveda – Safe, Effective and Affordable Too

The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda has often come to the rescue of many in dealing with a number of medical conditions. This time too, it promises to be your saviour in controlling, reducing and preventing hair damage. And in a way that’s super easy on the pocket too (unlike other hairfall treatments that are costlier without offering much hope of recovery either).

Let’s look at some simple Ayurvedic treatments to control hair loss and permanent damage before it’s too late.

Bring lifestyle changes

Ayurveda says that every problem, minor or major, in our body is related to some form of imbalance within our system. And this needs to be corrected not just by taking herbal medicines. You need to bring about certain significant changes in your daily routine to see potential results. This holds true for hair fall control too.

  • Wake up early (preferably before or during sunrise)
  • Sleep on time
  • Drink plenty of water, preferably one that has been kept in a copper vessel overnight
  • Include a bit of yoga and pranayama in your daily regimen
  • Eat freshly-cooked seasonal vegetables and fruits

Try Ayurvedic home remedies

Try this safe and cheaper option with ingredients easily available at home.

  • Add a few drops of lime juice to Amla powder and make it into a paste.
  • Apply this paste onto your scalp and hair, massaging it gently as you do so.
  • Once applied, cover your head with a shower cap to avoid the paste from drying up.
  • Keep the paste on for at least an hour and then wash hair with normal water.

Say goodbye to expensive and possibly harmful chemicals and welcome naturally-treated beautiful hair for life.

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