Tuesday 29 May 2018

Visceral Fat- The Silent Killer

Fat is something that leaves a huge impact on our health. Excess weight that is stored in the abdominal cavity (i.e. “pot belly”) is called visceral fat. This fat gets stored around some very important internal organs like pancreas, intestine and liver. This fat can hamper hormonal function. Excess visceral fat increases the risk of health.

Worried about what causes visceral fat?

The major causes of visceral fat are lack of activity, inappropriate diet and sedentary lifestyle. Eating too much processed starch and high sugar foods can increase the glucose levels in our body. When there is excess glucose in the body, then it gets stored in the form of fat. People who eat inappropriately and are not involved in any kind of physical activity are more likely to have visceral fat.

Understanding the Visceral fat symptoms:

Visceral fat is an excessive amount of intra abdominal fat. Someone with a obtruding stomach is normally believed to have visceral fat. You need to understand here that this kind of fat lies behind the abdominal walls. People having this type of fat will normally have increased inflammation, which in turn can lead to a number of different diseases. These people find it very difficult to lose weight. They are also at a high risk of getting diseases like diabetes, strokes, heart disease etc. This type of fat can also result in depression mood swings, dementia etc.

Risks of carrying visceral fat:

  • Heart disease
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Breast and colorectal cancer
  • Alzheimer's disease

Ways to lose visceral fat:

Control your diet:

Diet is one of the key factors for losing visceral fat. You need to watch out what you are eating. Ideal visceral fat diet should be low in carbohydrates. You must also eat more soluble fibre, which helps in suppressing appetite. Eat foods that are high in fibre like legumes, grains, flaxseeds etc. You must also make sure that you include more proteins in your diet. You must cut down on the added sugar intake. Instead opt for fresh fruits and vegetables. Trans fats are bad for your health. Avoid foods like processed foods which have high amount of trans fat. Avoid alcohol if you want to get rid of the visceral fat.

Reduce stress levels:

Increased stress levels can have a devastating effect on your body. They can result in food cravings and you may end up eating the wrong type of foods.


Proper rest for the body is a must if you want to keep it fit and healthy. You must ensure that you get proper sleep and rest.

Cardio exercises:

If you want to lose visceral fat, then you need to lose calories. The best way to do this is by doing aerobic exercising. You must try out brisk walking, jogging etc.

Avoid a sedentary lifestyle:

Try to remain active in your daily life. Being a couch potato can have a detrimental effect on your health.

Visceral fat can lead to some very serious health issues and can actually prove to be fatal. If you want to get rid of this silent killer then make sure that you have a diet which is rich in proteins and soluble fibre. Follow a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid tummy fat which is undeniably hazardous to health. An active, low-stress lifestyle can put a stop to visceral fat from building up in surplus in the abdominal cavity.

Happy living!

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