Thursday 26 October 2017

5 Reasons to Buy Term Insurance in Your 30s

Hey! You reached 30? Well, that means you are a responsible adult now. There are many who are already married and are all set to start a family. Things are just perfect, but most of us forget something very important. Life is uncertain and there are chances that one fine day you might not be around and your family may have to face serious monetary crisis. It is, therefore, always better to Buy Term Insurance when you are in your 30’s.

Why to buy Term Insurance as you turn 30

  1. Worthy product:

    Most of the times people concentrate only on pension schemes and policies which will give them retirement benefits. But here is a product that will take care of a serious problem like your death. In case of your death these term insurance plans will make sure that your family gets financial support in case of your death. You can also use this investment plans for better security of your future or for the future of your children and spouse.

  2. Helps you get cheaper premiums:
  3. When you are still in your 30’s you are healthy. Lifestyle diseases like blood pressure etc have not got the better of you. So you have a better chance of getting a better cover for a less premium. These chances reduce once you cross your 40’s. There is a possibility that your application may get rejected on medical grounds once you have crossed a certain age.

  4. You end up paying fixed premiums:

    When you Buy Term Insurance you are paying a fixed premium that is you lock the premium. This is not the case with health insurance where the premium amount will increase with your age. So it is always a better idea to opt for term insurance plans. How long these plans should cover you will depend on factors like your liabilities or loans that you need to repay etc. A policy which offers a longer cover is much better.

  5. Tax benefit:

    One of the major benefits that term insurance plans give you is the tax benefits. You save tax under 80 C deductions. So you can say that this is a good investment and tax saving option.

  6. Make your own decision:

    Some of you may have employers who provide you with an insurance plan. But what you need to analyse is whether this is the best plan for you. Most of the times when you leave the employer the insurance coverage will also cease to exist. In your 30’s the chances of you changing jobs is high. Therefore, it is always better to opt for your own plan and make your own decisions rather than depending only on the insurance plan given by your employer. Buy a term insurance plan and secure your peace of mind!

Wednesday 25 October 2017

High blood pressure: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

One of the most common health problems which not just elders, but also the middle aged people are facing is that of high blood pressure. The normal blood pressure is 120:80. In some people these readings are consistently in the range of around 140 to 159 over 90 to 99. In some cases it can also be higher. These high readings are a sign of high blood pressure. This means that the force with which the blood is pushing against the walls of the blood vessels is high and it may lead to heart attack or stroke.

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

If one were to check for the symptoms of high blood pressure then it should be noted that there is no single symptom of high BP and in fact in some cases there may be no symptoms at all. One will get to know only when they get their BP measured by a GP. One more thing that one needs to understand here is that a single high reading does not indicate high BP. Consistently high readings indicate high BP. In some cases, one may observe headaches or bleeding from the nose or a feeling of dizziness.

What are the reasons for high blood pressure?

There are a number of reasons for high blood pressure.

  • Overweight people can have high BP
  • Sedentary lifestyle can also result in BP
  • Stress and tensions are also known to cause high blood pressure
  • People who eat too much salt or those who drink too much alcohol are also likely to suffer from high BP
  • It could be hereditary
  • Chronic kidney problems are also known to cause high BP
  • Thyroid problems, sleep apnea and such other issues can cause high BP

How to control high blood pressure?

If you or your loved one is suffering from high blood pressure and you are wondering how to control high blood pressure then the first thing that you must do is avoid stress. Do not take unnecessary tensions about things that you cannot control. It is also important that you follow a healthy lifestyle. Make sure that you are not involved in drinking too much alcohol. Also, do not indulge in smoking. Lead an active lifestyle. Make sure that you exercise daily. Follow healthy eating habits. Eat a healthy and wholesome diet which is rich in fruits and vegetables. Avoid fatty and sugary foods. Keep a tab on your weight. Obese people are more likely to suffer from high BP. If you have problems such as kidney stones, thyroid etc then make sure that you take proper treatment for the same as these too can lead to high BP. If you have been diagnosed of having high BP then, make sure that you regularly visit the doctor to have your BP checked. Take the medication as prescribed by the doctor.

What high BP patients need to understand is that high blood pressure is a silent killer. If ignored, it can lead to heart attack or stroke.

Hey! You know any other causes, symptoms or ways to control high blood pressure? Please do share.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

How to Stop Snoring Causes, Aids, Remedies, and Solutions

One habit of yours due to which your family may have to spend sleepless nights is snoring. Keep in mind that this habit could be an indication of any underlying illness that you might be suffering from. Let us try to get an idea about snoring.

What is snoring?

If you ask a layman what is snoring? He will say that it is the sounds that one makes while sleeping. Scientifically snoring is vibration of the structure of the respiratory tract. This is because in some people while they are sleeping; the air movement during breathing gets obstructed.

What are the Symptoms of snoring:

The common symptoms of snoring are as follows:

  • Soft or loud noise during sleeping
  • Excessive sleep even in the day
  • Problem of sore throat
  • Choking feeling in the night
  • Problem in getting sound sleep
  • Headaches in the morning
  • In some people there may even be problems of high blood pressure and pain in the chest

What are the causes of snoring?

The causes of snoring are as follows:

  • The person may be suffering from nasal problems
  • It could be due to the basic anatomy of the mouth which results in narrowing of the airway passage
  • It can also be due to less sleep
  • The problem could also be with your sleeping position
  • In some cases the cause could be obstructive sleep apnea

How to stop snoring?

If you are wondering how to stop snoring naturally then here are some easy ways

  • If you are overweight then try to lose some weight
  • Try changing your sleeping position
  • Avoid the use of alcohol
  • Drink lots of water and keep your body well hydrated
  • Take necessary steps to keep the nasal passages open
  • Try out some exercises which will help in giving strength to the neck muscles

What are some snoring treatments?

Here are some snoring treatments, which are natural and you can easily try it out in your home:

  • You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to boiling water and inhale the steam through your nose everyday
  • You can make use of clarified butter, Warm the butter and with the help of a dropper place one or two drops in each nostril. Follow this remedy twice daily.
  • Turmeric is known for its antibiotic properties. Add a teaspoon of turmeric to warm milk and have this every day before going to bed.
  • You can also make use of cardamom for opening the air passages. This is because cardamom is a decongestant. All you need to do is add a little cardamom powder to water and after 30 minutes drink this water.

These are a few remedies that you can try at home using some of the ingredients that are easily available at home. However if you feel that the snoring seems to be the underlying cause of a bigger health issue then it is always better to visit a doctor.

Hey! You know snoring remedies that work? Please share with us.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Stop Feeling Ashamed About Your Body: Try Getting Perfect!

There is an old philosophical saying that real beauty lies inside. While that may hold very true, a little bit of work on the outside never hurt anybody. After all, as social beings, our behaviour is to a large extent shaped and influenced by the people around us and it is in such social circles be it family, relatives, friends, classmates or colleagues at work where we seek to be accepted and admired both for the person we are and for the way we look.

That brings us to the subject of body image and how we strive endlessly to achieve the optimal proportions. Unless you are somebody from the 16th and 17th centuries (where fatness was seen as a sign of wealth) nobody wants to put on extra weight or the rack in layers after layers of fat in the body. It is both unhealthy and an undesired part of the body image today. The body image also affects our emotional being to a great extent by way of either lending or taking away confidence in ourselves and also plays a part in determining whether we remain optimistic or cynical.

With that said we take a look at some of the healthy ways we can adapt to shed a few pounds and hopefully say our farewells to the perils of obesity.

Eat more fat:

Now, this may come as a surprise to many. After all, why should one eat more fats when one is trying to get rid of them? But there is actually science behind it. Called the ketogenic diet incorporating more fats into your diet at the expense of carbohydrate starves the body of energy from glucose (carbohydrates) resulting in the body turning to the stored body fats for energy through a process known as ketosis. The result is a reduction in the proportion of stored fats in the body. A ketogenic diet comprises of a diet where 70% of the daily calorie intake comes from fats. This can be achieved by turning to eggs fried in butter or animal fats for breakfast along with a cup of lemon juice (with no sugar), having meat with a lot of fats for lunch or dinner along with vegetables. It has been proven to be highly effective though it may take at least a week for the body to get accustomed to the new diet.


Now, this comes across as a no brainer considering the fact that it is the best way to burn calories off. It has been reported that about 150 minutes of cardio a week is just about enough for the body to remain in good shape.  While there are various exercise regimes that claim to work wonders in reducing weight, it is best to consult a professional for a personalized exercise regime that is tailored to the particular body type that a person has.

Stress and sleep

Stress also plays a major role in fat accumulation in our body as the stress hormone, cortisol has been shown to increase the fat storage around the abdomen.

Sleep deprivation while not playing a direct role in weight gain indirectly affects the metabolic pattern of the body. When a person is sleep deprived, he/she is running on low energy and is most likely to go for a quick shot of energy which may lead to poor food choices.

Monday 9 October 2017

12 Myths of Arranged Marriages

Arranged marriages are very common in India. In fact, according to a recent study, arranged marriages have a lower rate of divorce when compared to love marriages. Arranged marriage is the scenario where the families of the bride selects the groom and vice versa.

Myths about arranged marriages

Here we jog you down 12 myths on arranged marriages that everyone believes to be true.

  • All arranged marriages are the same.

    No two marriages are the same. Different people are involved in different marriages, and different marriages go through different problems. To categorize all arranged marriages as the same is just wrong.

  • Arranged marriages only happen in under developed or third world countries.

    Arranged marriages are very common in many countries. It’s just a process where the two families are involved in the marriage proceedings and choose the bride or groom.

  • Arranged marriages means you will have a happily ever after.

    Happily ever after is a myth. There will be up’s and downs in every relationship. It all depends on how the people involved tackle these situations. No relationship is perfect.

  • Arranged marriages have fewer fights.

    Fights occur in very marriage be it an arranged marriage or love marriage.

  • Arranged marriages favour men.

    This is a widespread myth that is highly prevalent about arranged marriages. However, this is not true for all arranged marriages. There are many marriages that are equal for both genders. And there are many marriages where the woman is the dominant one. It all depends on the people involved in the marriage.

  • There is less love in arranged marriages.

    Love is not determined by the type of marriage. Agreed, that it takes time to warm up to the other person in an arranged marriage, but this does not mean that arranged marriages have less love. It takes time to fall in love with the other person with whom you are bound by the sacred vow of marriage, but you will.

  • There is loss of freedom in arranged marriages.

    Freedom is not affected by arranged marriages. You will have to sacrifice a lot of things, but that is what makes your relationship stronger and makes it last long. The fact that you have had an arranged marriage does not determine the level of freedom that you will get in your relationship.

  • Arranged marriage is a license to have kids.

    Having children is something that is a very personal decision and needs to be made with care. Just because you had an arranged marriage does not mean that you should have a kid within a year or two. This is a decision that needs to be given a lot of thought.

  • Educated women find it difficult to adjust in an arranged marriage

    Education in fact improves a person’s understanding, and educated couples tend to solve their problems in much less time and with little chaos. Education helps you understand and analyze a situation. This in turn helps you find the solution to your problem in a peaceful and civilized manner.

  • If the groom hails from a good family and has a good income then he is a perfect match.

    Job and lineage are not at all important while picking your choice of groom. The character of the person is important. Just because he is rich, does not give him a free pass. In order to live with him, you need to know his character, his habits and most importantly his style of living.

  • Love is the most important part of an arranged marriage

    Love does not happen overnight. Love is one part. The most important thing in a marriage is understanding. You need to understand each other to have a successful relationship. According to surveys, most people do not get married for love. They get married because they crave for companionship.

  • Arranged marriages are forever.

    Nothing lasts forever. If you feel that your marriage is not working out, even after you have tried your best to fix it, then it’s OK to get out of it, irrespective of whether it is an arranged marriage or a love marriage.


Marriage is a sacred institution, irrespective of whether it is an arranged marriage or a love marriage. And most importantly, marriage is an institution that gives people an opportunity to find your right companion. Companionship or partnership becomes very important as you climb the ladder of age. Choose well and have a happy and long life.

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