Tuesday 22 August 2017

The Stress-Relieving Benefits of Laughter

Scientifically speaking, laughter is a part of human behaviour regulated by the brain. There are numerous health benefits of laughter! The strong medicine has been a topic of research for numerous researchers, who have provided in depth research about its benefits to the human body.

Laughter is an element that can convert an unfamiliar room to a warm familiar environment. Just like shedding tears, laughter is a good way to eliminate toxins from the body. The number of muscles involved for laughing is no less. As kids, we have had numerous reasons to laugh, but once we are adults life becomes serious and we tend to find reasons for deep laughter.

How does laughter reduce stress?

Check out the 7 benefits of laughter to know more!


Laughter is known to boost the immunity system. The antibody producing T-cells are multiplied rapidly when we laugh. This in turn produces antibodies for fighting various diseases.


“A sense of humor … is needed armor. Joy in one’s heart and some laughter on one’s lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life.” — Hugh Sidey

This is not very difficult to decipher. Laughter increases the blood flow in the body, thus reducing the blood pressure. Reduced blood pressure saves the individual from various heart diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

3. Increased creativity

When we laugh, our stress hormones are reduced, making sure the flow of oxygen to our brain is sufficient. When this happens, our brain functions in a healthy manner that brings out our creative side.


Most of the doctors advise the family of the patients to help them cheer up. Laughter and a warm atmosphere have been proven to cure the diseases at a faster rate. Laughter actually distracts the patient from the pain and helps in releasing the good hormones of the body.


Who likes to spend time with a person who rarely laughs? Nobody. people who laugh more or are capable of making others laugh have a better social life as compared to people who rarely laugh. This is because people who laugh have the ability to create an atmosphere which is friendly and warm. Cold and chill atmosphere are created by people who seldom laugh.


A deep belly laugh is a good exercise for the diaphragm. Such laughter contracts the abs and shoulder muscles, making them relaxed than before. It is proven that if we laugh 50 times a day, it is equivalent to 7-8 minutes workout on a cross trainer.


A good laughter helps in losing weight. The laughter increases the blood flow, which in turn increases the metabolism of the body. This helps in burning the calories at a faster rate.

The heart acts like a muscle, which needs constant exercise. Laughter is the medicine for it. With so many benefits and zero side effects, it like a gym membership for the heart. Researchers have proven that 20minutes of laughter a day is important for the heart. So before you get all serious with the everyday chores of life, ask yourself is that big of a deal?

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