Tuesday 15 August 2017

7 best home remedies for common cold and cough

With the arrival of monsoons, one thing comes for sure, infections and viruses. Common cold and cough is the first sign of it. If such viral infections are not taken seriously, these may lead to viral fever and many deadly diseases.

As we get affected the first thing that comes in our mind is whether to go for Allopathy or give Ayurveda a try. To decide we need to have a clear understanding of the pros and cons of both.

Ayurveda vs Allopathy

India has always been the land of Ayurveda. The country is regarded as the birthplace of the Ayurveda system of medicine. It has been perceived that allopathy has faster effects than Ayurveda. But allopathy has use of chemicals and toxins that can result in organ damage in later years. Ayurveda is known to eradicate the root cause of the disease while allopathy cures the surface.

There is no denying the fact that there are few medicines that are regarded as the best medicine for cold and cough in India. Doctors generally prescribe those. Since cough, cold are something very common and it is always advised to go for Indian home remedies.

Here are 7 best home remedies for cough and cold:

  1. Steam
    Congestion and stuffy nose can be cured by inhaling steam. Hold your head over a steamer or a bowl of hot water, and inhale the steam. The moisture will unclog the nose and help you breathe. For quick and better results, add half tsp vicks vaporub to the water after removing the bowl from the stove. This is also known as the best home remedy for cold and cough for kids.
  2. Hot Beverages
    Hot beverages provide two benefits. One, the warm liquid that passes through the body melts down the congestion. Second, the steam you inhale also opens up the stuffed and clogged nose. Ginger tea along with few drops of lemon can be an excellent home remedy for congestion.
  3. Turmeric
    Turmeric has always been the saviour to mankind from any kind of disease, infection or wound. Drinking turmeric milk when you feel soreness in your throat will prevent the infection from worsening. You can also make your own turmeric tea. Just add a pinch of turmeric to hot water along with few drops of lemon and a little bit of honey for sweetness.
  4. Peppermint
    Peppermint remedy is best for curing cold and cough in one day. Peppermint leaves are popularly known for their healing properties. Menthol present in the leaves helps in decongestion and soothes the throat. Add peppermint leaves to the steam water and inhale it. The menthol breaks the mucus and relieves the uneasiness.
  5. Salt gargles
    Salt gargles are one of the oldest remedies for sore and scratchy throat. It helps in providing moisture to the scratchy and sore throat, which gives temporary instant relief. It is advised not to make children under the age of 8 gargle.
  6. Radish
    Just simply eating 2-3 radishes a day will do the trick. Horseradish has quick results, but radish would do the job. Also, it is popularly available in our country. Radish is known to have antiseptic properties that help to heal a sore throat and clear congestion.
  7. Keep Warm
    Always cover yourself up and keep your body warm. The energy received by the body in the form of heat helps to build immunity and prepares the body to fight infections.

Always remember to follow these home remedies until the infections are serious. Consult a physician when the problem increases and avoid self-medication.

Do you know any other remedy that gives instant relief? Please do share!

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